If you’re facing tax problems with the IRS, it’s essential to seek the help of an experienced IRS tax problem attorney. These attorneys specialize in addressing tax disputes and resolving issues with the Internal Revenue Service. They have the knowledge and expertise to navigate complex tax laws and help you find a resolution to your tax problems. Whether you’re dealing with tax debt, IRS audits, penalties, or tax liens, an IRS tax problem attorney can provide expert guidance and representation.

Key Takeaways:

  • An experienced IRS tax problem attorney can navigate complex tax laws and help resolve your tax issues with the IRS.
  • Whether you’re facing tax debt, IRS audits, penalties, or tax liens, an attorney specializing in tax problems can provide expert guidance and representation.
  • Seeking the help of an IRS tax problem attorney is crucial to protect your rights and find a resolution to your tax problems.
  • These attorneys have the knowledge and expertise to advocate for you and help you navigate the intricacies of the tax system.
  • Don’t wait to seek expert help when dealing with IRS tax problems – there are solutions available to address your specific circumstances.

Understanding the Taxpayer Advocate Service

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent organization within the IRS that serves as a voice for taxpayers. They help individuals and businesses who are experiencing financial difficulties due to tax problems.

If you’ve tried to resolve your tax issue through normal IRS channels without success or feel that an IRS procedure is not working as it should, you may be eligible for assistance from the Taxpayer Advocate Service.

The TAS is dedicated to upholding taxpayer rights and has outlined ten fundamental rights that every taxpayer has when interacting with the IRS. These rights include being informed, receiving quality service, paying the correct amount of tax, challenging the IRS’s position, appealing IRS decisions, and more.

The TAS has local taxpayer advocate offices in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, providing free assistance to eligible taxpayers. They are committed to ensuring that taxpayers have access to the support and guidance they need during challenging times.

taxpayer advocate service

Protecting Taxpayer Rights

One of the key roles of the Taxpayer Advocate Service is to protect and uphold taxpayer rights. The IRS Bill of Rights outlines these rights and ensures that every taxpayer is treated fairly and respectfully by the IRS.

“As a taxpayer, you have the right to be informed, to quality service, to pay no more than the correct amount of tax, to challenge the IRS’s position and be heard, to appeal an IRS decision in an independent forum, to finality, to privacy, to confidentiality, to retain representation, and to a fair and just tax system.”

The Taxpayer Advocate Service works tirelessly to ensure that these rights are honored and that taxpayers are given the assistance they need to navigate complex tax issues.

Low Income Taxpayer Clinics for Taxpayer Assistance

Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) provide essential assistance to low-income individuals who are unable to afford professional tax help. These clinics specialize in representing taxpayers before the IRS, guiding them through audits, appeals, and collection disputes, and helping them respond to IRS notices and resolve account problems.

“LITCs are a lifeline for low-income taxpayers who are struggling with IRS issues. They offer much-needed support, representation, and advocacy, ensuring that every taxpayer has access to taxpayer rights and assistance.”

In addition to catering to low-income individuals, LITCs also extend their services to taxpayers who speak English as a second language (ESL) and require assistance understanding their rights and responsibilities. These clinics operate independently of the federal government and receive partial funding from the IRS.

  1. Representation and Guidance: LITCs represent taxpayers in their interactions with the IRS, providing expert guidance throughout the process.
  2. IRS Notices and Account Problems: LITCs assist taxpayers in responding to IRS notices, resolving account problems, and ensuring their rights are protected.
  3. Language Support: LITCs acknowledge the diverse linguistic needs of taxpayers and provide language assistance to ESL individuals.

Eligibility and Accessing Assistance

To determine if an individual qualifies for representation at an LITC, income guidelines and other criteria are assessed. IRS Publication 4134, the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List, contains detailed information about LITCs across the United States, making it easier for low-income taxpayers to access the assistance they need.

If you find yourself in a financially challenging situation, unable to afford professional tax assistance, consider reaching out to an LITC. The experienced professionals at these clinics are dedicated to helping individuals navigate their tax issues, empowering them to exercise their taxpayer rights.

Remember, everyone deserves access to taxpayer assistance, regardless of their income level. LITCs are here to ensure that your voice is heard and your rights are protected.

low income taxpayer clinics

Seeking Guidance from the Office of Chief Counsel

If you’re facing complex tax situations that require clarity and guidance before filing your returns, the Office of Chief Counsel (Chief Counsel) is here to help. As a specialized department, the Chief Counsel offers valuable assistance with tax treatment determinations, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of how to handle specific tax issues.

To seek a determination from the Chief Counsel, the issue at hand should not be under audit or in litigation. Additionally, it should not be addressed adequately by existing regulations or court decisions. In such cases, the Chief Counsel provides Private Letter Rulings (PLRs) to address your tax treatment inquiries, helping you navigate these intricate tax situations.

It is important to note that there is a user fee associated with requesting a PLR from the Chief Counsel. The current fee is set to $30,000 and is payable in advance. However, some letter ruling requests may qualify for lower fees, which can be found in the relevant revenue procedures. Be aware that all user fees must be paid electronically.

Seeking guidance from the Office of Chief Counsel not only provides clarity on tax treatment but also ensures your compliance with the IRS regulations. By obtaining a PLR, you can make informed decisions and proceed confidently when filing your tax returns. It’s an invaluable resource for individuals and businesses alike, offering the expertise and insights necessary to navigate complex tax situations.

office of chief counsel

Additional Resources for Taxpayer Assistance

In addition to the Taxpayer Advocate Service and Low Income Taxpayer Clinics, taxpayers have access to other resources for assistance with their tax issues. State bar associations, state or local societies of accountants, and nonprofit tax professional organizations operate referral systems to help low-income taxpayers and those with language barriers find appropriate assistance.

These taxpayer referral systems connect individuals with qualified professionals who can provide guidance and representation in dealing with tax issues. Whether it’s understanding complex tax laws, resolving disputes with the IRS, or addressing specific tax concerns, these professionals are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to assist taxpayers.

State bar associations and tax professional organizations have their own criteria for qualification and representation. This ensures that taxpayers are connected with professionals who meet the highest standards of competency and ethics.

By utilizing these resources, taxpayers can gain access to a range of assistance options tailored to their specific situations and needs. Whether it’s through the expertise of tax professional organizations or the guidance provided by state bar associations, these additional resources are invaluable in navigating the complexities of tax problems.

Why Seek Assistance from Tax Professional Organizations and State Bar Associations?

Tax professional organizations, such as the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the National Association of Tax Professionals (NATP), are comprised of professionals who specialize in tax-related matters. These organizations provide ongoing education and support to their members, ensuring they stay up-to-date with the latest developments in tax law and regulations.

State bar associations, on the other hand, govern the legal profession in each state and play a crucial role in ensuring that attorneys adhere to ethical standards. They can connect taxpayers with attorneys who specialize in tax law and have the necessary expertise to handle complex tax issues.

“Tax professional organizations and state bar associations serve as valuable resources for taxpayers seeking assistance with their tax problems. These organizations connect taxpayers with qualified professionals who can provide the guidance and representation they need.”

By leveraging the knowledge and resources of tax professional organizations and state bar associations, taxpayers can have confidence in the professionals they consult and receive reliable guidance and representation throughout their tax journey.

Connecting Taxpayers with Qualified Professionals


tax professional organizations

Referral systems operated by tax professional organizations and state bar associations make it easy for taxpayers to find the right professional for their specific tax issues. These systems ensure that individuals are connected with qualified professionals who can provide the necessary assistance and support.

Whether it’s navigating the intricacies of tax deductions, filing tax returns, or addressing IRS notices, the experts affiliated with these organizations have the knowledge and experience to guide taxpayers through their tax problems.

Providing Assistance to Low-Income Taxpayers and Those with Language Barriers

One of the key benefits of these referral systems is that they cater to low-income taxpayers and those with language barriers. The organizations behind these systems understand the importance of accessible and affordable assistance for all taxpayers.

By connecting low-income individuals with qualified professionals who offer reduced or pro bono services, these systems ensure that financial limitations do not prevent taxpayers from seeking the help they need.

Additionally, many of these referral systems have language support services available, ensuring that taxpayers who speak English as a second language can receive the guidance and representation they require.

Overall, tax professional organizations and state bar associations, through their referral systems, provide a crucial link between taxpayers and qualified professionals. These resources empower taxpayers to take control of their tax issues and receive the assistance they need to navigate the complexities of the tax system.


If you’re facing tax problems with the IRS, seeking the help of an experienced IRS tax problem attorney is crucial. They can guide you through the complexities of tax laws, protect your taxpayer rights, and help you find a resolution to your tax issues.

In addition to IRS tax problem attorneys, resources like the Taxpayer Advocate Service, Low Income Taxpayer Clinics, and referral systems operated by tax professional organizations can provide additional assistance tailored to different situations and needs.

Remember that as a taxpayer, you have rights and options. Don’t hesitate to reach out for expert help when dealing with IRS tax problems.


What can an IRS tax problem attorney help me with?

An IRS tax problem attorney can help you address tax disputes and resolve issues with the Internal Revenue Service. They specialize in navigating complex tax laws and can assist you with tax debt, IRS audits, penalties, tax liens, and more.

What is the Taxpayer Advocate Service?

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent organization within the IRS that helps taxpayers experiencing financial difficulties due to tax problems. They are a voice for taxpayers and provide free assistance to eligible taxpayers, upholding their rights and offering guidance during interactions with the IRS.

What are Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) and how can they help?

Low Income Taxpayer Clinics offer taxpayer assistance to low-income individuals who cannot afford professional tax help. They represent taxpayers before the IRS, guide them during audits, disputes, and help in responding to IRS notices. LITCs are independent of the federal government and provide free assistance to eligible taxpayers.

How can I seek guidance from the Office of Chief Counsel?

The Office of Chief Counsel provides guidance on the tax treatment of specific situations before filing tax returns. To seek determination, the issue must not be under audit or in litigation, and proper regulations or court decisions should not address it. The Chief Counsel offers Private Letter Rulings (PLRs) for these inquiries, upon payment of a user fee.

What additional resources are available for taxpayer assistance?

State bar associations, state or local societies of accountants, and nonprofit tax professional organizations operate referral systems to help low-income taxpayers and those with language barriers find appropriate assistance. These resources connect individuals with qualified professionals who can provide guidance and representation in dealing with tax issues.

How can an IRS tax problem attorney and these resources help me?

An IRS tax problem attorney can guide you through tax laws, protect your rights, and find a resolution for your tax issues. The Taxpayer Advocate Service, Low Income Taxpayer Clinics, and referral systems provide additional assistance tailored to different situations and needs. As a taxpayer, you have rights and options, and these resources are here to help you.